Wednesday, November 16, 2005
I Write, You Read.
About Me
- Name: alwaysane
- Location: Zimbabwe
My hobby is finding Jesus in everything I do, see, feel, touch, learn everyday. If you think you're lovely, I love you!

Write to the Sane One
Sane shall not live by bread alone
Sane Twitters
What the Sane One Said
- Read all about my research project
- I know you all miss me
- If this is to be an accurate depiction...
- He took your place
- My New Jacket
- Cryptic
- Boo!
- My life revolves around Mr T CAT
- My theory has just been proven right
- I almost choked this morning
Saneology Brainy Quote
Saneology Funny Quote
Saneology Word of the Day
Buddies of the Sane
- Winter Angel
- Dancing Tomato
- CoCo
- Kasumi Bear
- My Neighbor The Sheep
- Jenn
- Idol Mania Kit
- Pastor JTB
- Jer
- The Not-so-nut Nut
- Pig-O
- Dewey
- T.T.T. Wonders
Where the Sane visits
- Church
- Attitude!
- Cello Society
- IHeartNewYork
- The Answer Bank
- Geek Terminal
- Ithaca College
- Find MTVs Here
- Love Maggie
- Television Without Pity - Funny Funny Funny
- The Psychotic Eggs
- Nice Chinese Songs
- Celebrity Fugshion
- The Real Ithaca Weather
- Addicted to Facebook
- Joyce Meyer
What the Sane reads
Sane Classics
- Riley's Diary
- Landmark Post
- Banal Mediocrity
- Sunny Side Down
- CBST Proposal
- Auntie and Uncle - A Conversation
- A Christmas Discovery Channel
- Aku Homesick
- DC Trip
- A Domestication Process
- Stomach This
- Mr TCAT and ME
- Outing with Cecile Part II
- How To Save Money Etc
- Case of TTT
- After the Move
- Outing with Cecile Part I
- Road Rage
- Sane at Project Sing Sing
- Sane Teaches Exercise
- Attack of the Xenonite
- 10 Things About Bangkok
Sane Revelations
- Amazing love
- The story of Joseph
- Count your blessings, beautiful one
- The Dreams
- Counting
- Abundant Blessings
- Just Follow the Leader
- Please Let Go
- The Coat of Righteousness
- A New Chapter
- A Hospital Story
Sane Quizzes
Sane Narcissified
- Before defense
- Pretty!
- Me and my favorite past-times
- Life in Sepia
- Looking Happy While Eating
- Celebrity Galore
- Samsui Chick
- For All Who Miss Me
What the Sane plays
- Maggie Can Cook
- Kill Office Time Maggie Style
- A-no Chef (Needs Shockwave)
- Wok It (Needs Shockwave)
- Yahoo Games
- 好ç©
Sane plays games
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