Exasperation 1.2
Banal mediocrity!It is taking over the world!
I don't understand it anymore! It is just. plain. painful.
Why am I reading something so stupidly insane for my courses, and to top it off, the writers are getting funding for it?
I mean, they are getting funding and getting their work published, when the study was just pure common sense; nonsense; whatever-sense!
Tell me, how difficult is it to know that:
People who work in the physical office rely more on direct face 2 face contact than those who work from home (?!)
Need to conduct a STUDY to find out!
Or even:
People who work from home use phones and emails to communicate more than using direct face 2 face contact.
And these kind of works get published! Makes me feel that the following will make great hypotheses too (and probably get funding and hey, published!):
People who do not own their own vehicles take public transport more than they take private vehicles.
People who do not own their own vehicles spend less money on petrol than those who own their own vehicles.
even this...
Students are more likely to feel stressed about taking exams than non-students.
this would be good too...
It is more likely that people believe Da Vinci drew

what about...
Compared to beggars, millionaires are more likely to own their own properties.
I like this...
People who are computer-literate are more comfortable with emails than those who are not computer-literate.
Oh, and this one is classic...
People are more likely to switch on the lights at night than in the day.
I think someone should do something on...
People are most likely to detect that a study is bogus when it really is bogus.
Saneheisser -- Because I'm a loudspeaker
4 reflects:
ha ha ha... so ridiculous....
dunno wat e funders are thinking... might as well give US the money to do e study for our CBST... i think we can do a human beahviour study on how singaporeans behave when they shop abroad...
wat e...
ha! but that's the definition of a hypothesis mah.. anything can be proven/tested.
My dear, this really sounds sucky. I can understand how you feel...
Like why putting so much hard work into yours when others give fluff like that?
And possibly, even worse still, the teachers appreciate their so-called hypothesis, even over yours?
But really, what matters most is you do your best in your work and stay true to your own conscience. :)
Take care girl
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