The love that amazes me
"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise." (Matthew 21:16)
One Sunday morning, seeing that the congregation at his church was few, the pastor decided to do things a little differently.
Instead of bringing the Holy Communion elements to the people, he invited the congregation to make their way to the altar to partake.
Each one took a piece of bread, and a cup of wine.
When it came to a young boy's turn to grab the elements, he took a piece of bread, turned to his mother and said:
"But ma, it's broken."
Isn't it so poignant and true, that what we're taking is the broken body of our Lord Jesus Christ?
The congregation went silent for a moment and then almost in holy accompaniment began to give Him praises.
The pastor couldn't help but acknowledge the work of the Lord that morning.
"And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, 'Take, eat; this is My body'" (Matthew 14:22)

How precious our Father's love, that He uses the mouths of babes to show us how pure and perfect His love is!
How simple, how straightforward, how selfless, how pure.... is our Father's love for us.
His body was broken, so that our bodies can be whole.
Falling deeper in love every day
3 reflects:
You are indeed a blessing to me :)
Thanks for always sharing about what you have learned in Christ with the rest of us. Very inspiring and helps build faith, at least for moi! Reading your blog is like doses of the Daily Bread publication and I mean it!
Take care girl and cya soon!
Amen ! Thanks for your reminder sister. :)
Girl you're growing in the grace of God everyday... keep loving & keep sharing.
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