Friday, September 29, 2006

Count your blessings, beautiful one

No words can justify the fullness, the extent, and the expanse of the blessings our Lord Jesus Christ has placed upon me.

Two songs came into my heart when one morning, I was sitting at my desk beginning a new day.

One was "Count your blessings"

Count your blessings name them one by one
Count your blessings see what God has done
Count your blessings, name them one by one
Count your many blessings see what God has done.


Two was "Something beautiful"

Something beautiful, something good
All my confusions He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
But He made something beautiful of my life.

These songs brought me out of my confusions and worries and completely gave me strength and joy for what the Lord has in store for me.

How true it is, that when we start counting our blessings, we can't help but be so amazed at the many beautiful things the Lord has done in our lives.

The Chinese verses of "Count your blessings" sang it so well, that if we start counting our blessings, we can't help but start praising God with all our being!


Let's start from the day when I was born.

That was definitely the first blessing the Lord has given me.

His breath of life.

Then He blessed me with good health.

I was sick a couple of times, but it didn't end with suffering but with healing and strength.

I was blessed with a sound mind.

I am able to learn new things everyday, gain new knowledge, and comprehend the beautiful world the Lord has blessed me with.

But I thank God that there will never come a day when I can be satisfied with how much I know about Him.

I am blessed with loving family and friends.

To be able to say that someone is thinking of me, is loving me, and waiting to hug me is a blessing.

(At this point, I am amazed.)

I am blessed with supernatural guidance in my work.

I was never desperately finding jobs, finishing up work, or completing projects.

I don't see it as my ability, but it's the grace of God that surpasses my own understanding.

But I don't think I've even praised God enough or gave Him the glory!

One day, as I was going through the same process of wallowing in self-pity and worry about life, these two songs "Count your blessings" and "Something Beautiful" came into my heart.

Not without the accompaniment of God's voice that seem to ring my heart so bad, I was experiencing supernatural tremors!


God, what do you mean by pride?

Then it made sense.

I was being so proud I did not even see it.

What did you do when you start to worry? - The Lord asked.

Well, I start to worry more!

Pride - The Lord answered.

Is that it? Was that why I couldn't stop worrying?

I was being proud?

I finished reading "A cry from the streets" by Jeannette Lukasse yesterday.

Zheshen gave it to me, and I can't thank God enough for using him as an instrument to bring this book to my life.

The book is an autobiography of Jeannette and her husband, Johan, who had the calling from God to serve Him in the streets of Brazil.

The book documented their lives and emotions and their dependence on the Father at every point of their lives.

Every time they have a problem, their first instinct was to pray.

To pray!

What a revelation that comes in such desperate moments!

It seems so simple and effortless!

But that's the way our Lord wants us to lead our lives!

"Come unto me, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; and ye shall find rest to your souls." - Matthew 11:28-29

His way is the way of rest!

Not of anxiety, stress, or worries.

When I get bitter, frustrated, and depressed, I am not fixing my eyes on the Lord.

How can I learn to run to Him everytime I am weary?

It's so easy and yet I oftentimes forgot.

But I thank my Father that He still will welcome me into His presence with open arms of love.

"Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'...For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." - Matthew 6:31-33

When I am plauged by the worrying virus, what do I do?

God wants me to stop having pride in myself, and look at Him.

God wants me to seek Him first, and His righteousness.

And His righteousness is Jesus.

"But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption." - 1 Corinthians 1:30

So the next time I wallow in self-pity, self-blame, and worry... please help me, Lord, to look to Jesus instead.

And pray.

Sanity has been restored.

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