CBST 2006 - Message from the CEO
Dear Members (and potential Members) of CBST*:2006 is the year of "looking ahead", of "anticipation", and of "hopeful forecasting".
The future is bright and the horizon is surmountable. In fact, we will welcome it with joy and dancing.
2007 charts a new direction for CBST.
For one, the ALS (average length of stay) will be increased from a measly 5 days 4 nights to at least 8 days 7 nights. We shall attempt to stay there until the King gives us a "Tourists of the Century" award.
Also, the amount of reserves will increase sharply, in view of the rise in manpower (and hence, tongue power, leg power, hand power and flower power....)
To support the already comprehensive proposal drafted by my trusted Chairman Butt, I have (not just) a few words that I'd like to add.
Most importantly, the increase in manpower will be helpful for task delegation. There will be distribution of energy and hence, its preservation for higher calling. In fact, the breakdown of roles and responsibilities have been delineated. Please review in detail before the DOO (Dates of Operation).
CEO Sane: Booking of transportation and accomodation. A highly important role as timing of arriving and leaving will greatly impact the mission. Another important facet is to keep in mind the various needs of the different members (meals on board, excessive excess luggage, clean toilets). Also, the accomodation must be priced competitively but yet provides comfort, travelling ease and proximity to energy sources (such as massage saloons and restaurants). It must also be close to the BTS and BIG C! And yes, breakfast at the accomodation must last till way past lunch time.
Chairman Butt: Planning of entire operation, with the help of Member Kit. Also in charge of bargaining, hence freeing the efforts of other members for greater use. Besides these operation duties, Chairman Butt should also be responsible for exchanging the reserves into the appropriate currency. If not, go there for what? Therefore Chairman Butt should be in tune with the physical layout of the Land and also the physical stamina of the members. No walking for more than 1 km... Chairman Butt must also take into consideration the intake of physical supplements and nutrition of the group. Examples include Thai Curry, MacDonald and eggs.
Member Kit: Mother of the Operation. In charge of waking the others up, rostering their bathrooms schedule and supporting Chairman Butt in terms of planning and bargaining. Member Kit is also in charge of maintaining the peace among the members and the people of the Land, by smiling. Member Kit also has an important role of Treasurer of CBST, hence the Central Bank. A highly demanding but fulfilling role, because Member Kit feels fulfilled and empowered by spending the baht.
Member Turtle: Porter. Entertainer. Poser. In charge of making us laugh by posing for us with her shells everyday. Also, Member Turtle should be assisting other members by carrying the investments made. Member Turtle must also make sure she buys at least one boh liao thing everyday to amuse the other already-very-stressed-by-unrelenting-sales-people members. Member Turtle should also carry four water bottles every where she goes... one bottle for everybody to prevent dehydration.
A group interaction like this will be highly regarded and appreciated by the CEO:
Member Turtle: Wah! So nice!!! I want!!! I want!!! (excited at the sight of the 517th water bottle)
Member Kit: See how lah. How much? (protecting the reserves for future use. Good move.)
Chairman Butt: (to salesman) Saaawaaadeeeeee-kaaaaa! *blink blink... How much, this one?.... WHAT? 30 baht!!! So expensive?? Noooo-laaaaaa...... Water bottle onlyyyyy............ Don't lidat lahhhh.......... Discount??? 15 baht?? Please?? We come from sooooo far awayyyy...... Threeeee hoursss lehhhhhh..... NO MONEY...... *blink blink blink blink blink flick hair
(Good bargaining attempt with various persuasion tactics such as being pathetic and.... being very pathetic.)
CEO Sane: (seeing that the salesman is not likely to budge) No discount? Forget it. Let's go. *Give a very black, chao been (Strategy: Portray that you dun really need the @&!%^$# water bottle. Nonchalantly flicks hand and pretend to move. Give the salesman a so what? face shows that you are doing the salesman a favor by showing interest in his goods in the first place even)
Fed-Up Salesman: OK OK. 15 baht 15 baht... (smiling but secretly cursing inside. but care we not...)

Member Turtle: Yeah, my 517th water bottle! This one got two colors summore and magnetic cover! You all are so good! Let me carry all your shopping bags! (Walks with shopping bags, contented and overjoyed and looking out for water bottle #518)
If group interaction and team work can be worked out this way, optimally, the CBST will be a great success.
I look forward to the exciting times ahead of us and as CEO of CBST, I wish you well for the next years.
*Crazy Bangkok Shopping Trip
5 reflects:
The chairman got something to add here. Due to the stress in Singapore and the emphasis from the government to "jiang hua yu & speak english campaign", I think it's time for us to put a stop here and speak watever we wanna speak! I like the way that we speak a sentence with FOUR different languages in it or at least two. Example, Kit: This is the last "bao" already. WE LOVE SINGLISH! WE LOVE MALAY! WE LOVE JAPANESE! WE LOVE HOKKIEN! WE LOVE CANTONESE!
yes another comment! Kit is also in charge of reminding us to pay before we leave the restaurant! Turtle will assist her in that cos sane and myself tried leaving a restuarant happily without paying and the waitress gotto chase us for a distance!Xia Sway...
i wanna go!!!!!! when can we go? we all can squeeze into one room to save money!!!!
so when we going??? :P
ok ok... i got my duties noted down in my humble notebook already... awaiting new duties from e chairman n e ceo....
TTT pls dun squeeze into one room... it'll be havoc frm day one to last day... with only one toilet n a long soak in e bathtub chairman...
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