Thursday, January 13, 2005

So Random II - Twister/Curly Fries

Question: How are twister/curly fries created?

I mean, have you wondered how some are less "curly" than the rest? I did.

Basically, I conclude they have different machines. One for the center, more perfectly-curled fries and another for the outer parts of the potato which will result in not-so-twisted fries.

I tried to find the picture of the machine on-line and managed to find it on ebay. Sadly it looks like any other blender, which did not help very much for my lack of imagination. Apparently, it can be used to cut two shapes: spiral and curly (?!) So, am I right to say that you need two "machines", because different blades produce different "results"? I rest my case.

But I still don't understand how some fries can be less "curly" than the rest? Is that a result of the heating process aka more heat, more curly?

Some other random stuffs I found while on my pursuit for curly wisdom:
  • Burger King introduced twister fries nationwide in 1991.
  • You can also make curly cucumbers and apples.

Peace. I'm sane, therefore I am.

1 reflects:

At January 13, 2005 10:44 PM, Blogger Kabe reflects...

wah.. u really did homework ah ? as in check out the machine used to make this curly fries.. hahaha...can show us the pic ? am interested to see for myself too !


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