Request for extended period of annual leave
This is a REAL letter written to a REAL employer by a REAL employee(Names have been changed to protect the individuals from unnecessary fan letters.)
Dear Sam,
Following our recent conversation, I am writing to formally request your authorization to take a period of extended annual leave next year. I would like to take a total of five (5) weeks and two days commencing Monday XXth March 20XX. I will be back to work on Wednesday XXth May 20XX.
I appreciate that this is an extraordinary request, however as I explained to you in the above-mentioned conversation, this is quite a unique opportunity for a cricket lover as myself to actually attend a World Cup tournament. In addition, it is being held in my native islands, and so represents huge signigicance for all people of West Indian heritage. It is very difficult to convey just how much importance someone like me attaches to this event, which would probably never again happen in the Caribbean.
I should also reassure you that two (2) weeks and 5 days of this extended period will be annual leave carried forward from my 2006 entitlement, so I will not be using up my entire year's allocation in one block of leave.
I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in this matter and hope that your response is a favorable one.
Yours sincerely,
John Smith
I wonder how my boss will react if I write a letter like this, applying for annual leave to see the S-League.
Dear Ah Seng,
Following our recent conversation, I am writing to formally request your authorization to take a period of extended annual leave next year. I would like to take a total of one (1) day Monday XXth March 20XX. I will be back to work on Tuesday XXth March 20XX.
I appreciate that this is an extraordinary request, however as I explained to you in the above-mentioned conversation, this is quite a unique opportunity for a soccer lover as myself to actually attend a S-League tournament. In addition, it is our government's directive to be supportive of our native sport. And since it is almost impossible now for us to be a part of World Cup 2010, showing support may give our players added boost to bring them towards World Cup 2014. This represents huge significance for all people of Singaporean heritage. It is very difficult to convey just how much importance someone like me attaches to this event, which would probably never again happen in Singapore.
I would be very grateful for your kind assistance in this matter and hope that your response is a favorable one.
Yours sincerely,
Ah Beng

Sane is back
5 reflects:
That pendent looks nice on you ! :) see yar soon..
If ONLY we can do such things in real life...
I want leave to finish up my drama series...
I want leave to catch up on my beauty sleep...
I want leave cos it's raining and it's hazy (PSI >50), and I just wanna sleep in my cosy bed...
check our new CBST bulletin!!
ahhaha.. you mean ah lian lah...
Yepz. She's no angel, but don't we all adore her :P
I'm not biased...nope! hee
umm hello? what do u mean by "she's no angel"? implying that i'm a devil?
beware, for i am angry!
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