My cooking may have improved exponentially
Ladies and gentlemen....May I present to you....
Proud creation of Sane and Friends....

On the top left is chicken thigh marinade with sesame oil stir fry with shrimps, brocolli, capsicums, and mushrooms. Cooking direction is very simple.
1. Defrost the chicken thigh (1 lb). If you bought fresh chicken thigh, skip step one. If you bought a live chicken, make sure you kill it, de-feather it, de-bone it, and then separate the thighs from the other parts of the chicken. You need about two chicken for this dish, thank you very much. When cutting the chicken, remember not to remove each and every sliver of fat. Leave some fat in as experience tells me that a little fat on the chicken will make the chicken taste better. Just ask Mr Colonel Kentucky. Clean the chicken thigh using water.
2. Marinade the chicken thigh with GENEROUS amount of sesame oil, pepper, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and five spice powder. Basically, anything you deem fit. With the chicken still in the bowl, cover the bowl with a cellophane sheet and put it in the fridge. Now you can go take a nap.
3. About 4 hours later, wake up, wash your face and hands. Go to the fridge, open the door, and take out the marinade chicken. Yes, just take the whole bowl out. Actually, no need because you still need to do step 4, and 5. Sorry.
4. Take out brocolli, capsicum, and onions from the fridge. Chop, and slice. Oh wait. WASH, chop, and slice. As for the portion, use your own imagination. Also, if you have a smaller wok or feeding a smaller village size, I'd recommend a smaller portion will be good. Unless if Sane is invited. Then I'd say go ahead and cook as much as you want.
5. Wash shrimps. If you are using frozen shrimps, take about 10 of them and run them under tap water for about 5 minutes. Or if you are efficient like me (you would be since you are reading this blog), you can just put them in a bowl of warm water for about 3 minutes. Then remember to take all the shells off. DESHELL YOUR PRAWNS. Be nice to people who eat your dish. Don't make them do unnecessary steps like de-shelling. Unless, of course, they are bringing their boyfriends. Yes, this does not apply to male cooks.
6. Do step 3.
7. Take a big-ass wok, put vegetable oil in it (GENEROUS amount, if not won't taste good) and heat at medium-high or at number 7.
8. Fry garlic and onions.
9. Place chicken from step 6 one by one into wok. And wait. And wait. And wait. I'd give about 8 minutes for each side of the chicken but it also depends on how thick or fat the chicken is. I'd also cover the wok if I were you.
10. When chicken is cooked, add in capsicum and brocolli. Now you can bring the heat down to Medium or at number 5. Center. Stir fry for a little bit. Then add in shrimps. Stir fry for another 4-5 minutes.
11. Add in mushrooms. Fry a little.
12. Sprinkle a little sesame oil for taste. Stir a little.
13. Serve them in a nice-looking PYREX glassware plate.
14. Taste really good with white rice.
Experience tells me this dish requires no follow-up action, such as seeing a doctor or eating painkillers. Yes, you are fine.
And no, you won't die.
In fact, the original eaters of this meal are still alive. And it has been 2 days already.
More photos!!!

Should've taken a close-up shot. Hai...
Nevermind... next time I'll reveal the full glory!
For recipes of the other two dishes:
Front - Stir-fry cabbage
Right - Tofu with minced meat and scallops
Write to me and I'll let you know the original cook. Then you write to them and ask them yourself.
Good luck to y'all.
Does my darling want to try?
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