Goodbye Singapore!
Hello, New York!
It's time and I must say good bye. Well, it's only for two years but I am already beginning to feel much homesickness, even though I'm still in Singapore.
Weird, but this is the time where emotions run amok and everything around me seems to work overtime to trigger the tear ducts in my swollen eyes.
Things people say make me cry.
Photographs make me cry.
Packing makes me cry.
Even looking at my bedroom makes me cry.

I'm a wreck, which is one of the reasons why I ABSOLUTELY FORBADE anyone to come to the airport to send me off (except for my father who will be driving me there). I will be tear-drained and plus the fact that I look absolutely horrible in the morning.
(Eh, I thought you look horrible all the time? -- SHUT UP BEFORE I GET TARZAN TO KIDNAP YOU!)
So I don't know how I will handle tomorrow. Will I cry all the way to New York? Won't be too glamourous.
Did I mention tomorrow's my father's birthday? Yes, brilliant only daughter of his bought a ticket to NY leaving on the day of his birthday. So to make up for it, we are celebrating his birthday THREE TIMES. Yesterday, tonight (because I bought one extra cake) and another one at the airport before the flight.
What a way to say goodbye...
I hereby pledge that I will call/sms my daddy once every two days (once a day a bit too expensive :P
I will also send an email a day to my mummy and buttery cousin.
I will chat with my cousin PP at the appointed time. (Yes, got appointment one! The rest please take a queue number, thank you.)
I will miss my father. Just yesterday he gave me a hug and told me how he has always loved me and will love me forever because I'm his wonderful daughter. And he went on and say how he will miss my presence around the house and there's much getting used to. I don't know, I think it will be tough for him too. At least for me I'll be staying with my landlady whereas he'll be staying alone. Stay strong, Daddy!
And the day before I had lunch with my mummy. I don't know why but the atmosphere was strange, almost surreal. I felt as if both of us are trying to deny the fact that I'll be going away and we talk about everything else but my going to NY for two years. Until the last moment when we hugged and say goodbye our voices cracked. It was damn emotional.
I will call my granny later. Wonder how I'll handle it. I think I will just break down.
My cousin too. I remembered in 2002 when I left for my uni exchange programme in NY for 6 months we cried at the carpark (I sent her home, you see) for I think 10 minutes. It was one of those tearful farewell that I'm afraid will repeat again.
If I have a wish, I wish that my daddy, mummy and grandma can come to NY with me. My beloved butter cousin too. They will have things to do there and lead a good life while I study. How cool right?
So why go to NY when I can't bear to leave them? I also don't know. Well, in the first place, my family are the ones who urged me to apply for grad school. I myself have the desire to go too (PS right now I absolutely don't know how I will get used to school all over again. God help me). And plus the scholarship and all, yeah. Go loh.
I pray that my family will be well.
My friends will be blessed.
My country will be vibrant and rich!
My new home will be beautiful.
And that I will be forever the favoured, blessed and protected child.
(Siao liao. 25 years old still call myself child... Haha)
List! List!
People I'll miss
1. My Daddy
2. My Mummy
3. My Grandma
4. My Niu You Cousin
5. My family
6. My friends
Food which I'll miss
1. 3-in-1 coffee
2. Char Kway Teow
3. Economical Fried Bee Hoon with Egg
4. Carrot Cake
5. Mixed vegetable rice in styrofoam box
6. Otahs
7. Roti Prata
Shows which I'll miss
1. The Maid (movie)
2. Project Superstar
3. The Guess Show
4. Japan Hour
Singapore things which I'll miss
1. Buses that come once every 10 minutes
2. MRTs
3. Taxis
4. KTV
5. Salsa at the club
6. Hawker Centres
7. Sun Tanning
Many things lah.... but will start crying so I better stop. Don't know when I'll blog again (probably when the service is connected) but it'll be great to hear from you. Leave a comment or write an email.
I love you!
The Grad School Chronicler
2 reflects:
Ganbatte sister ! :)
Hey girl...
Be strong ya, I know you are. You know you have to go through this and it will make you a stronger (and more learned!) person.
Blog ASAP when you get your internet connection!
Will pray for your well-being over there.
Also, looking forward to visiting you in January! Muahaha
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