Monday, April 03, 2006

Old Posts

I've recently started reading my old posts.

It's quite therapeutic actually, seeing what I've been through, what God has done in my life, what crazy stuff I wrote, what comments were written etc.

No kid, I was actually laughing out loud at all the posts about babelicious French Madame Cecile.

Girl, you killed me. No more writing "Prayers to God" in class, I beg you. You are getting me into trouble...

I feel like making a sidebar linking all my favorite posts. That will be blog-project #2, after I'm done designing my NEW BLOG BANNER!!

It will be good! I guarantee you.
I don't know which joker came up with the *&%$(*@ idea of implementing daylight saving time. I mean, does it really matter? What difference does that one hour make right?

You mean people cannot work in the dark?

Or that one hour will save you enough energy to feed Somalia?


Starting on April 2, we have to push the dial forward by one hour. So now, I am exactly 12 hours behind all you blessed Singaporeans.

But that one hour really made a difference!



I woke up feeling like a piece of ancient sloth.

The dogs refused to bark (now that's scary).

We started kicking things around the house.

The people on the bus couldn't stop complaining and the driver even joined in.

My friends turn up in school with frizzy hair.

Everyone's sick.

I am in no mood to write my paper.


What's worse was that the weather was SOOO GOOD last weekend! It was sunny, bright, cheerful, magnificent and this morning.... it turned DULL...

It was almost as if the sky was mourning the loss of that one hour...

It's excruciating...
I need comfort.

You lift me up so I can stand on mountains
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
I am strong when I am on your shoulders
You raise me up to more than I can be

Yes, You raise me up.

I need to be raised up.

From my bed, from my chair, from the floor....zzzzzz

PS I love you.

Assailing you with sanity

2 reflects:

At April 04, 2006 2:02 AM, Blogger coco reflects...

hahaha... daylight savings is really cumbersome, but I didn't know it's that "excruciating" :p thank u for the time update :)

At April 08, 2006 10:14 AM, Blogger Syrope reflects...

Wow, most of us never experienced this before lor. But it sounds very interesting indeed. Don't you feel a sense of camaderie with all the people, including strangers, around you during all the complaining session?


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