Bienvennue, 2007!
First of all, happy new year!2007 is here. Seems like yesterday that we were still worrying about the millennium bug as we countdown to 2000. Does anyone remember what you did for that countdown?
I do. I was dancing and prancing away down at Orchard Road, in front of Heeren. All the while trying to ward off hordes of male, sweaty dancers trying to get lucky. Nevertheless, I had a great time with another friend of mine.
I also remember trying to find my cousin ah butt after that, but it took FOREVER, because all lines were busy!! Really! There was no way I could find her!
Well, eventually, we did and we found each other at a telephone booth, and took a cab home.
Before I go on, I would like to congratulate all my friends who graduated in December!
Thanks, you guys, for deserting me.
The new year of 2007 was a very quiet affair for me.
Quiet, but peaceful.
I celebrated new year with my father in a Boston hotel room, after a *gasp* lobster dinner, and desperately needing an early night because we all have to leave the hotel at 6:30am.
Talk about a whirlwind travel!
My dad and I toured the entire east coast of the US in a total of 6 days.
We went to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Boston, and back to NYC.
I think my dad's favorite place was New York City. When I asked him which is his favorite, he said "Manhattan!" Probably it's the lights, or Chinatown. Or probably it's the uptown, midtown, and downtown that he went to so often.
Or maybe, it's the fact that he saw the statue of liberty!

We also saw other sights in NYC.
And I also think his 2nd favorite place was Washington DC. Not only did he get to meet my wonderful DC family, and my cousin, he saw the WHITE HOUSE! He was so excited about it! I wish we could go closer though :(

Front row: DC Mom, Another fat elephant, Father of Sane, DC Dad
Photographer: DC Sister
Anyway, I think the worst place was Boston. Not only was it drab, that place was dull and gloomy. The buildings were grey, there was no lights, and the place was so quiet. Yeah, I hate Boston. I guess if one is not able to go to MIT or BU or Harvard, Boston does nothing for you. Well, at least for me.
On our way, we also visited Philadelphia and Hershey town.
And we stopped at Niagara Falls.
The whirlwind trip ended with Boston and after that we drove back to NYC.
Talking about NYC, December to January are the worst times to visit NYC. (Note to those who are thinking of NYC as their next travel destination.) It's literally packed with people. Of all the four times that I've been to the museum, never have I seen them so packed before. And on the streets, you can literally walk right into another human being at any second. So DON'T GO in December or January.
I was so tired by the end of the trip, we both slept till 9am on our last day before my dad flew back to Singapore and I rode back to Ithaca.
To tell you the truth, out of all places visited, I think I'm still a very much DC girl.
Oh, all right.
Maybe more of a Maryland girl than DC girl.
Well, here's why.
I am not an NY City girl because it's too hectic for me. Maybe I'm getting old, but once in a while, I'd still like to see a little stability in my life. You will NEVER EVER find stability in NYC. Everywhere you turn there's construction, traffic, smoke, people, scaffolding, cardboard, cranes, etc. Nothing is fixed or permanent.
I am not really a country girl, mainly because I can't stand the fact that I'm so far away from the city, and the pace of life is too slow.
Well, Maryland is in between. It's a city, but not too hectic. It's suburban, and close enough to the city if I yearn a bit of excitement. Maryland is not too expensive, and people are friendly. Yes, I can totally imagine myself to be a Marylander.
And of course, I have friends in Maryland, which means I'll always have company.
I heart Maryland.
Talking about Maryland, has anyone heard of Joyce Meyer?
She is a dynamic preacher from St Louis, MO and I heard her preach when I was channel surfing in one of the hotels. Man, was she good!
She was funny, but full of the knowledge of God.
What's the connection then, you ask, between her and Maryland?
The connection is...
She will be preaching in College Park, MD! That's 15 minutes away from my DC home!
And her conference is FREE OF CHARGE, and it's in June!
And I'm going!!!
Gonna buy her books and tapes :P
January 3rd was my birthday.
Yeah yeah yeah, I'm 27 years old.
Well, I am!
My dad gave me a HUGE birthday gift and we celebrated by going to Chinatown.
My darling also gave me a surprise that made me tear.
First there was the Christmas gift that I found at my door when I came back.
There was a talking bear, with a sound recording of my darling's voice.

A book all about love :)

And a cute little Love Bug card.

Together with these gifts is another box.
And inside is the prettiest watch I've ever seen.
It's unique, with double straps, and we shopped for it together.

You can't really see it here but underneath one strap is another one. So it kinda looked like a pretty elaborate leather bracelet, with a watch face.
I was very happy and woke up bright and early the next day to talk with him.
Just as I was talking, I heard my phone ring. Thinking it was another prank call, I wanted to ignore it. However, Zheshen insisted that I picked up the phone saying "What if it's urgent?"
All right.
So I picked it up and a man was on the other line.
Man: Hi, may I speak to Ashley Sia?
Me: Yes, I am.
Man: I've got a delivery for Ashley and I can't find 109.
Me: Oh, I'm actually at 108.
Man: Then I'm right outside!
I went downstairs and couldn't believe my eyes.
A man carrying a vase of 12 white roses, a smiley face balloon, and a card.
They are so beautiful.

I teared.
If God is willing to let me add one more commandment, it will be this:
I love you, Zheshen, with all my heart.
Well, that's about it for now.
Got to go back to finish my work. Still have my thesis to do.
Why, oh why, did I choose this option in the first place?!?!?!
Sane is sane.
1 reflects:
Awwww... that was sweet... i teared too.. even though its none of my business..hmmmmm........
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