10 Personal Trivias
1. Sane can't swim. Sane's mother brought her to the pool when Sane was a year old and she left holding a dry, bawling Sane. But Sane still likes to tan.
2. Sane hates durians. When Sane was nine, she went to Malaysia to eat supposedly the freshest durian. Sane took a bite, vomitted, and had fever for three days.

3. Sane doesn't like spicy food or chilli. Her lips will swell, her tongue will turn red, and her eyes will tear.

4. Sane first drank alcohol when she was about four. She took a sip out from her uncle's Tiger beer can. Hated it then. Now Sane pledge allegiance to mr beer.

5. Sane's favourite place in the world is Bang-Sawadeekaa-Kok. She fell in love with the people of the Land of Smiles. She also fell in love with something called cheap shopping.

6. Sane has only 31 permanent teeth. One refused to grow. It just didn't form. So mothers-to-be, please drink more milk.

7. Sane still has family members in Fujian, China. One day, Sane will go back to say hi.

8. Sane believes in the power of advertising. Sane is easily tempted, and will buy something - especially food-related - if the ad looks good or the model looks gorgeous. Try Pepsi Twist.

9. Sane was only caned once in her entire life by her mom. Sane was so scared of the cane that she'll run and hide and cry until people in Geylang can hear her scream in Jurong. That thought scared her parents so much then and she was let off.

10. Sane first learnt how to speak Cantonese before she learnt the other languages. That's because her grandmother took care of her during her formative years.

What's your personal trivias?
Sane is excited about the new term! Jesus be my guide!
Sane is missing her boy too...
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