Yet another eventful Saturday
I'm totally not amused with the fact that my body has the worst reaction to the slightest bit of wine I drink. No joke.Me + Wine = Disaster
The last time that happened was in 2002. I had wine at a fancy restaurant in Ithaca and that night was a field trip. I tossed and turned at night thinking that my middle was going to explode.
It didn't help that I was stuck in the middle of campus and my roommate was fast asleep.
The toilet bowl was my best friend.
Took awhile for the purging to happen. When it finally did, I felt better and that was it.
Saturday's episode was on a larger scale.
Things went on smoothly the night before when I had dinner, dessert and A GLASS OF SAUVIGNON BLANC.
Nothing happened for the next few hours but drama began at 10:30pm.
Scene 1 - The monster surfaced
I started feeling a little woozy. My tummy started stirring and my head hurt a little.
After a while I started losing my senses and my tummy HURTS.
Went to the bathroom twice and when in there, I sweated buckets.
Diarrhea. You know what that's about.
Went to bed and curled up. Had no energy left in me.
All the while my tummy was not too happy.
All was well until 1:59AM.
Scene 2 - Growth of the mammo-lithic tremor
I woke up because of a SHARP pain in my middle. Think about cramps, gastric, punching and piercing rolled into one.
First time in my life I yelled from the pain.
It was EXCRUCIATINGLY painful.
Took po chai pills and drank warm water. None of those work.
Tried to induce vomiting but that didn't work.
Went to the bathroom and that didn't help either.
Was yelling so badly that my dad realized this is serious. So 4 hours later at 6:30am, off we went to A&E.
Scene 3 - Checking in
Arrived at the hospital. Saw the triage nurse and told her about my situation.
Nurse: So any vomiting?
Me: No. No vomiting.
Nurse: OK. Go out and sit. The doctor will call you.
Me: OK. (Went outside to sit, and started throwing up. FINALLY).
Nurse: See! Got VOMIT!!!
Me: (Duh.... and continued to vomit)
Anyway, first doctor I saw was an Emergency doctor Dr. Lee.
Dr Lee used to be my JC schoolmate. How coincidental is that!!!
She went on to put me on the drip (which is painful), gave me 2 injections, tried to take blood (not successful...hee) and an X-Ray.
After all these, I was pushed into a room with SEVEN other people to be OBSERVED.
**Basically, observation means to sleep in the room and wait for 2 hours before the doctor comes to see you.
While there, I had to do interpreting work for 2. One was an auntie who spoke only Malay and Hokkien. Another was a PRC who only knew Mandarin.
All the while my dad was trying to entertain himself reading the newspapers and eating breakfast.
That two hours went by. I thought I got better but when the doctor came, the pain came back (damn it)
It was bad this time.
The doctor (new doctor this time. A Dr Seth) said I had to be under observation for another 2 bloody hours.
More injections, more poking around my mid-section...
Called my dad, asked him to leave first. It was 10:30am...
Scene 4 - Observing the monster
Continue sleeping. Pain came and went. It was hard to sleep especially when the light was shining right at my face and two new patients came in, along with their villages.
I heard so much about them that if I took a test, I could recount their entire life and score 100%.
Zheshen came and kept me company. Witnessed my writhing in pain.
Poor guy was also responsible for calling the doctor and nurse, because by 12:30pm, I was ready to go home.
Dr Seth came. (He is very nice in fact)
Was sure that I was doing better. Poked a little more.
Then he said I CAN GO HOME!
Gave me some meds and an appointment with the doctor.
At 1:15pm, I was out of the hospital.
So yea, that was my wonderful Saturday.
And because of this, I missed my friend's wedding (Sorry Shiyun!! And congratulations on your wonderful day!)
Learning points:
1. When time comes for your wedding, gather all your jie meis and brothers and have plain porridge for dinner (Zheshen's contribution)
2. No more wine for me!

Something fun for you to see.
This video was taken at Ithaca College Hockett Recital Hall.
This was a REAL recital.
Half-naked man is a professor and his instrument is the dumbbells.
Now well sane
1 reflects:
So drama ! :) Thank God you are better now. Don't you drink another time !
p/s : me can join u and sit somewhere where we both don't drink or be tempted to drink lar.. hee hee..
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