Dear Datuk Ithaca Tun Sri Weather
Let me tell you something.There is a reason why God created the FOUR seasons.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
The reason is so that the inhabitants of the earth (aka PEOPLE) can lead a normal life, without fearing that one day they will die of hypothermia.
How do people die of hypothermia?
Two ways.
One is when a person is poor, and doesn't have shelter or adequate clothes to keep them warm.
Two is when the weather suddenly changes, drastically.
Sane is first and foremost not a fan of dying of hypothermia via way #2.
Why does Ithaca want to torture the Sane by giving her one year's worth of beautiful weather, and end it with a year of hoolaballoo insanity?
By insanity I mean going from 30 degrees celcius one day, to 7 degrees celcius another.
Let me teach you, Datuk Ithaca Tun Sri Weather, that weather follows its proper course.
And one should not jump from Summer directly to Winter.
You've been such a bad boy.
Sane Very Cold
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