Umas and Dineshes
This post is dedicated to all the umas and dineshes, who in one point of their lives offer the most valuable gift of hospitality and friendship to others.Thank you.
Uma and Dinesh are two of my closest friends in Ithaca.
We knew each other since January 2006. All three of us were working as student employees in the computer lab.
We had lots of fun, joy, and laughter.
I remember forming this human chain with Uma from the printers to the front table so that we won't need to walk endlessly when students were printing non-stop.
(Yes, as student employees we have to take the paper from the printer and place it on the consultants' table for students to collect.)
Anyway, Dinesh was always at fault because everytime he was in the building, the amount of printing goes way up too.
It was a great semester job.
I introduced Uma to Youtube. She introduced me to Queen, Led Zepellin, Pearl Jam because you see, Uma is addicted to classic rock.
I introduced Dinesh to crazy Russell Peters and live world cup over the internet. And he introduced me to cricket and ANOVA.
Uma and Dinesh also helped me out like crazy when I had to rush a stats assignment.
Well, they are experts because for their theses they had to work a lot with stats so naturally, I run to them.
By the end of the semester, Uma and I were calling each other "sisters" and Dinesh eventually became our brother.
Dinesh is like a big brother. Strong, steady, and yet jovial when need be.
Uma is like the annoying sister. Stubborn, sarcastic, and yet the highlight of all our insanity.
I've grown to love both of them.
It was a joy to be in their company, enjoying their jokes and antics.
Oh, and did I mention that Dinesh is a great cook?
And they are great students too.
One is going to Tennessee for his PhD, and the other just received the good news that she obtained a full scholarship for her PhD program in Temple University.
The only sad thing is, they are going to leave at the end of this week.
We had so much fun together.
Drinking (yes, we are the drunkard trio), eating, ordering take-out from Jade Garden, strolling, drinking, watching bollywood (zheshen, remember? we watched more after that!), singing bohemian rhapsody...
I cannot imagine how life will be without their laughter (and sometimes, they made me cry).
I wish them the best, but deep inside my heart, I hope they didn't have to leave.
I've grown so accustomed to walking down S Titus Ave to their house, eating dinner at 11pm, drinking at 2pm, sleeping in the same room... Everything I've grown accustomed to.
In a heartbeat, I will say:
I want to visit you guys in Bombay!
I will get onto any car that offers a ride to Philly just so to hang out with you, my crazy sister!
I miss Uma and Dinesh already.
I don't know if I'm going to cry. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But the fact remains that Uma and Dinesh have made my life different simply by being my friends.
Simply by laughing with me.
Simply by laughint at my silly jokes.
Simply by inviting me to their house when they knew how sad I was when my boy left Ithaca.
Simply by inviting me to their house more than once.
Simply by sharing their love of life.
Simply by sharing their love.
Simply by opening up their hearts to me, and counting me as part of the family.
Thank you.
I love you, brother Dinesh and sister Uma.
Now go kick some asses down south!

All of you have made a difference to me, simply by being who you are.
It's not about what you do, or what you say, but your gift of friendship is pure gold.
To my cousin, thanks for being a xiaoen to me.
To my friends, thanks for being a huimin, a kit, a huixia, a min'er, a weijing, a roy, a weeliam, a yongxin, a cecile, a Jer, an ellen, a barbara, a ruanwei, a siowying, an amy to me.
To my brothers and sisters, thanks for being a ruth, an alice, a joe, a jacjac, a chuenhui, a jenn, a chanel, a roger, a samuel, an estee, a TTT to me.
To my boy, thanks for being a zheshen to me.
So many other people, that I have yet to list down. But most likely than not, you have impacted me in a very big way.
But thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, and I am honored and thankful that you are part of mine.
Sane loves you.
4 reflects:
hey gal, cry if you feel like it but ain't it good that they at least appeared in your life before?
and good friends don't disappear... at most they are only one busride/email/phonecall/blog away.... where you all can discuss about the latest cricket game (nxt time teach me how to watch the game ya) :)
when you coming back?? Wanna look fwd to the tree-top walk or walk in the park with ya~
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven. (Ecc 3:1)
Even though you're sad that it's time for your friends to move on to the next stage of their lives... be of good cheer! Good friends are not friends just by close proximity, but are good friends by the heart.
And you know, God is so good. He knows that there will be separations on earth and we will have heartaches.
So you know what He says? "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't." (Romans 8:38 NLT)
Word Verification: eddvj
Good friends are classified by heart.. not by distance/proximity.
Stay in touch and they will always be yours to keep. :)
Sane dear, you're very loved by God & very precious in the eyes of your friends, ie. us :) keep going & fulfill the high calling which God has for you.
BTW this word verf thing, "l" & "1" are so difficult to tell apart!
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